How to choose your Correct colors…hair, makeup and clothes!

Has your mother or grandmother or any other woman close to you ever told you what your tone is? “Oh honey, you are warm toned not cool” or vice versa? Well my mother always swore to me that I was cool toned, well guess what? I’m not I’m warm toned!! And you may say, “what Sam, but you are so pale?”

Now I was always that odd girl who is so pale I almost have no undertone. I’m very “neutral.” You know how I know? My neck and my face are the same tone. (I’m that pale) Now I know a lot of people go based of off vein colors but I have blue and green veins, again weird but I do. So how I found out I was warm was from makeup school. My teachers had fabric swatches from Michaels or JoAnn’s and they held them up to all of us and we all got to determine who was cool, neutral or warm. I looked better against warmer tones. Minus Orange. I have NEVER looked good in pastels, so that was my first giveaway. Same with makeup, I looked horrible in pastel shades. My hair is naturally blonde and I did always prefer a cool tone with my blonde but I think I look better with a warm brown! Plus my blonde got too high maintenance for me so I’ve stayed a brunette. So when I was blonde I could only wear cool lip colors but still never loved makeup on me as much as I do with my brown hair. So I have finally found my happy place with hair color and even makeup!

So I want you to go take a look in the mirror, hold up some clothes to your face or even try them on and see what colors you feel amazing in and what colors feel “ehh” don’t love it but I’ll keep it because I need clothes or I just got this and liked it in the store. Yea, donate or toss that shit!! If you don’t love it on, get rid of it!!! You will buy more clothes one day! Sell it on Poshmark, I love that app!! There are ways to accumulate new clothes on a low budget. Consignment!!!

Makeup colors- So many women come into my job and are looking for new lipstick, and they will look at a shade I pull and say, that’s too brown or too pink, then I swatch them and they second guess themselves, then they try it on and OMG, they look great in Crème in your coffee, or Captive, or Sin even! (All MAC lip colors btw) Most people go off what they were told and never think to step out of the box and play with color. Yet they will walk around and not feel attractive or feel like something is missing. Well no more ladies, we are going to fix that!!

Clothes- I look and love wearing jewel tones, dark greens, purples, reds and blues. I like to keep neutrals like white, black, brown, and grey in my closet as well. I think we can all keep those in the closet. But some of my cool toned ladies will look better in light pinks like blush, or lavender, or coral. So important to find your tone, not only will it save you money but it will give you more confidence knowing!!

Hair- If you are a chameleon like me and can have brown or blonde hair that’s great just know your tone. As I mentioned earlier, I like cool toned blonde hair and warm brown, but I’m weird, it could be my undertones or lack of or my brown eyes. So if you have brown eyes and have more of a tan then you will probably love a warm blonde. If you are blue eyed then a cool blonde I go for. If you are pale and have brown eyes like me do a warm brown. If you are blue or green and pale go for a warm as well. If you are tan and have any color eye then you could pull off a dark cool brown tone.  Warm may wash you out.

Finding your tone and coloring can be tricky but it can also be a fun little project. You will discover exciting things about yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone is hard sometimes. Maybe you just love neutral colors and that’s ok, but go for a bold lip and just punch up your look a little. I promise you will get compliments and who doesn’t love those?

Can’t figure out your tone and colors, well come ask me, message me or visit me at work and I can help!! That’s what I do!!

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